Evanston Green Homes Pilot

English | Español

Evanston Green Homes is a pilot residential retrofit program that offers Evanston homeowners and rental properties no-cost health and safety improvements, along with energy conservation and efficiency upgrades. Our goal is to create healthier living spaces while reducing utility costs.

What types of improvements are available? A variety of improvements are eligible, including lead and asbestos remediation, new electrical systems, enhanced insulation, updated appliances, and more.

Why should I participate? Joining this program can lower your property’s utility bills, enhance energy efficiency, and improve your property’s health and safety. Participation can also help you access similar programs that can enhance the health and safety of your home and reduce utility costs even further. Rental properties may achieve enhanced compliance with benchmarking ordinances.

How does the program work? To enroll, homeowners, landlords, and tenants can submit an application, then project staff will follow up within three business days to confirm eligibility. After confirming eligibility, an energy assessment will be scheduled, and participants will receive a detailed report with observations and recommendations. After selecting desired upgrades, the project team will hire a qualified contractor and oversee the construction process, ensuring consistent communication throughout. Staff will maintain contact post-completion to ensure upgrades meet expectations.

How do I prove eligibility? Depending on your property and ownership status, you can prove eligibility in the following ways:

Eligibility Criteria

Single-Family Homeowners
can provide:

Rental Property Owners
can provide:

Proof of Ownership & Geography

Mortgage, deed, or Certificate of Trust

Mortgage, deed, or Certificate of Trust

Proof of Income

Copy of 1040 tax return or three months’ pay stubs (if tax return is unavailable—must note reason)

Rent rolls showing rent is at or below 24% of the income limit based on household size (for at least 51% of units)

Alternative Proof of Income

Qualification for SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8, or other federal programs with stricter income requirements

Qualifying tenants’ 1040 tax return or 3 months’ pay stubs, or qualification for SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8, or other federal programs with stricter income requirements

Economic Hardship

Attest to experiencing an economic hardship on or after March 3, 2021

Attest to experiencing an economic hardship on or after March 3, 2021, and request economic hardship attestation from qualifying tenants

*Tenants who submit an application will only be asked for rental property owner contact information. Project staff will not request the documentation listed above directly from tenants.

Is my property eligible?

Participants must be within the program area and satisfy additional requirements.

1. First, enter an address to check if your home is within an eligible area.

Eligible areas
are in the 5th Ward west of Green Bay Road, and near St. Francis Hospital in southern Evanston.

How do I register?

If your property is located within the geographic boundaries of the program and meets the income criteria above, please complete the Participant Application and Agreement form below. An Elevate team member will reach out to verify your information and schedule an energy assessment following your submission.

Participant Application and Agreement Form: https://elevateenergy.tfaforms.net/4653619

For Spanish translation services, application assistance, or if you have documentation and eligibility questions, call 312-292-9017, or email greenhomes@elevatenp.org.

To learn more about Elevate, visit elevatenp.org.

Please be aware that this program is funded by the City of Evanston, and available funds are limited. Eligible households may be placed on a waitlist until additional funding becomes available.